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Byström Källblad

Artist Helena Byström and choreographer Anna Källblad share a desire to tell stories from and based in collaboration and exchange with specific places and its people.

Presenting at the Swedish Dance Experience, Thursday, August 29th in Sammlung Philara.


Performance – City Horses

An immaterial monument for our cities. A group of female dancers, 15-20, move as a herd of wild horses through the cities full of historical male monuments and representation, all being passed on to the next generation as our history.


An immaterial monument for our cities. A group of female dancers, 15-20, move as a herd of wild horses through the cities full of historical male monuments and representation, all being passed on to the next generation as our history. The dancers interact with monuments of kings on horses and powerful architecture, activate and claim the space and write female history of power.


As emperors used to conquer and claim new land, City Horses will manifest female existence in history and forward. Inspiration comes from walking around our city noticing historical public art still so present and at center stage in our cities. Military men and kings on horses and naked female bodies. We ask ourselves, how can we as female bodies in the public space, today relate to these, even physically?


We start a search through being horses, investigating the horse as a symbol of power. Playing horse is a common girl’s game – young female audience have an immediate insight to the work, and so can female experience between generations connect and be passed on through dance, game and play and find a way to address the question of power and possibilities.


City Horses poses questions to never silence, what legacy to pass on the next generation? The audience is anyone in the street, in the square, in the park where City Horses make their way on their route through the city. The physical closeness to the audience and moment of surprise is part of a further exploration of the artistic concept in this new work. Who is really part of the work? How does audience reactions affect the work?

City Horses is a Big Pulse Dance Alliance co-production, co-produced by Sismògraf Dance Festival (Catalonia – Spain), Julidans (The Netherlands), Tanz im August/HAU Hebbel am Ufer (Germany), CODA Oslo International Dance Festival (Norway) and presented by International Dance Festival TANEC PRAHA (The Czech Republic), Danscentrum Sverige (Sweden), co-funded by the Creative Europe programme of the European Union.

The Duo – Byström Källblad

Since 2013, the Stockholm based duo Byström Källblad, make work together for the stage, the gallery and the public space, in Sweden and internationally. Connecting with personal experiences their artistic work then visualises the universal and allows for the site specific to travel and connect with new places.


2024 premiere of new work for outdoor, Calling-We are here. 2023 the City Horses filminstallation premiered in Liljelvalchs in Stockholm. A fours channel filminstallation, 100 minutes with 130 dancers represented from City Horses performances. The duo often starts a work in a residence and had 2022 premiere of a new film installation, Astrid, made during a 2020/21 artist in residence stay in Norberg commissioned by Region Västmanland. Their site specific dance opera Blånagla was performed 2017-2019 in Husum. Both Byström and Källblad holds work grants from The Swedish Arts Grants Committee.


Contact person

Anna Källblad, choreographer,



Social media

IG: @cityhorses_performance

IG: @a_k_danceit

IG: @helena.bystrom

With support from

Selected artist for Big Pulse Dance Alliance co-production, co-produced by Sismògraf Dance Festival (Catalonia – Spain), Julidans (The Netherlands), Tanz im August/HAU Hebbel am Ufer (Germany), CODA Oslo International Dance Festival (Norway) and presented by International Dance Festival TANEC PRAHA (The Czech Republic), Danscentrum Sverige (Sweden), co-funded by the Creative Europe programme of the European Union. Big Pulse Dance Alliance, co-funded by the Creative Europe programme of the European Union. Danscentrum Sverige (Sweden), Swedish Arts Council, The Swedish Arts Grants comitte, City of Stockholm, Region of Stockholm. Dansens hus. Balettakademin

Fotography: Tina Axelsson

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