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Norrdans is an epicenter of contemporary dance and choreography in all its shapes and forms. 

Part of tanzmesse nrw 2024 official programme 

Insight, Saturday 31st of August at 14:30, FFT Foyer


Performance – Rite of Spring

Rite of Spring. A playground lost in (dys)function, (dis)order and earplugs. A leftover tarp and a rake without a handle, and a bunch of other everyday objects share space with the three dancers trying to execute a very accurate version of The Rite of Spring.


A great classic, reformulated by Norrdans’ Artistic Director Martin Forsberg. This creation is a macrocosm in a small space, where scales, volume and vibrations take center stage. The beauty finds its place next to the sublime, and the captivating next to the distorted. The dance comes dangerously close and the grand notes of composer Stravinsky manifest in a small but explosive ensemble, a form of rebellious playfulness and total lack of sacrifice.


The production Everlasting. See more of Norrdans' work on Vimeo here!

The company – Norrdans

We’re Norrdans. An epicenter of contemporary dance and choreography in all its magnificent shapes and forms. From our home here in Northern Sweden, we create and perform for the entire region of Västernorrland and regularly pack our bags for national and international tours. “Disturb the comfortable and comfort the disturbed.” That’s what we’re all about. And you can meet us on stage, in the street, in schools, at work — anywhere, really!


Martin Forsberg was appointed dance director at Norrdans in autumn 2018. Born and raised in Härnösand, he has followed the company since its founding. Graduated from The Danish National School of Performing Arts in Copenhagen, Denmark, Martin has led an international career as a choreographer spanning the past 15 years.


Contact person

Sara Selmros, Producent, 



Social media

IG: @norrdans

FB: @norrdans

Vimeo: Norrdans


With support from

Scenkonst Västernorrland, Kulturrådet, Sundsvalls kommun, Region Västernorrland, NMD.

Photographer: Viola Depcip

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