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Open Call

Christina Simpson

Get the opportunity to attend a dance festival through the Visiting Artist Programme!

  1. Dublin Dance Festival (Ireland), 20 - 24 May

  2. One Dance Festival (Bulgaria), 28 May - 2 June

The call for applications offers selected artists the opportunity to participate in a festival (one artist per festival), with travel, accommodation, per diem, and a small fee included. Only members of Danscentrum can apply.

👉 About the Visiting Artist Program

The project is a collaboration between 23 dance organisations in Europe and is co-financed by Creative Europe and KulturrÄdet. Dancentrum Syd is the leading partner. Visiting Artist Programme will contribute to the dance sector by letting over 150 artists visit 19 dance festivals around Europe. The visits are curated and include creative exchange, expanding networks and meetings with artistic directors.

👉 How to apply

Write a short letter (max 1000 characters including spaces), in English, in which you motivate the value for you as a performing artist to participate in the Visiting Artist Program at one of the Festivals.

Include a link to your web site, a showreel or such. The linked video materials should not extend 5 minutes. Mark the application with the festival you wish to visit: number 1 or 2 and name of the festival. 

👉 The application process

Danscentrum Syd makes a first selection if there are a large number of applicants. The receiving festival and the project manager for the Visiting Artist Programme are responsible for the final selection. The decision will take into account the selected choreographers from the other partner festivals, to ensure that the constellation enriches the experience.

⏰ Submit your application no later than March 2.

We are looking forward to take part of your application. Send your application to : 

Contact Danscentrum Syd for more information.

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Danscentrum Sverige är en ideell medlemsorganisation, i form av en centrumbildning, som samlar de fria professionella danskonstnärerna i Sverige. Organisationen arbetar för att stärka den professionella samtida dansen och är en samlingsplats för kunskap, expertis och konstnärlig utveckling. Centret samarbetar med institutioner, andra scenkonstutövare, konstnärer och pedagoger i projekt och i andra sammankomster..


Danscentrum Sverige

Hornsgatan 103, 8tr, 117 28 Stockholm. E-post: info[at]


Amy Fee, verksamhetsledare

E-post: amy.fee[at]

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