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Sara Lindström Lindhe

Sara Lindström Lindhe is active in an expanded field of choreography through works that manifest as live performances, film, audio and installations.

Presenting at the Swedish Dance Experience, Thursday, August 29th in Sammlung Philara.


Performance – Dancing On My Own

Dancing On My Own is a video installation of individuals dancing to their favorite song in front of the camera. In the post-production phase, the original music is replaced with extracts from the participants’ own voices, offering a personalized narrative as each dancer reflects upon their own and the spectators' experience. Using music as a point of departure,


Dancing On My Own is an exploration into the emotional resonance and reasons of why it is so satisfying to move to our favorite song: What happens when we hear that song that makes us feel strength, vulnerability, liberation, invincibility, sadness or joy? What is the song that inspires change, gives our confidence a push, or takes us beyond the present? What does the music we love, do to us? This project serves as a collection of physical and audible portraits, examining the sensory creativity triggers and diverse motivations driving both personal and collective expressions of dance. As an ongoing and accumulative work,


Dancing On My Own has evolved into a rich collection featuring over 60 individual portraits, crafted across six different festivals and locations. At each location, a unique local film is produced with participants from the local area that is integrated into the series.


Dancing On My Own is both a celebration and exploration of the simplicity and intricate complexity of dance and dancing. Of the delicate interplay between private and public, of what may be seen versus felt, and that space where music, dance, and dancer may intertwine to tell narratives about, for, and through each other.

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The choreographer – Sara Lindström Lindhe

Sara Lindström Lindhe (b.1983) is a choreographer and artist based in Stockholm, Sweden. She is active in an expanded field of choreography with works that manifest through formats including live performance, film, audio and installations. Her work often incorporates interactive or participatory elements that negotiates authorship and a playful relation between its audience members.


Sara Lindström Lindhe's work carries an exploration of the juncture between the professional and non-professional, often involving the active engagement of non-professionals or of the audience itself. Sara has a BA in dance from Trinity Laban in London and an MFA in Choreography from Stockholm University of the Arts.


Contact person

Sara Lindström Lindhe, +46 (0)70-0393141,



Social media

IG: @saralindstromlindhe

FB: @sara.lindstrom.165


With support from

Dancing On My Own has been supported by the Swedish arts Grants Committee and Swedish Arts Council.

Photographer: Sara Lindström Lindhe

Domo 9  - Sara Lindström Lindhe.jpg
Domo 4 Assad - Sara Lindström Lindhe.jpg

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Danscentrum Sverige är en ideell medlemsorganisation, i form av en centrumbildning, som samlar de fria professionella danskonstnärerna i Sverige. Organisationen arbetar för att stärka den professionella samtida dansen och är en samlingsplats för kunskap, expertis och konstnärlig utveckling. Centret samarbetar med institutioner, andra scenkonstutövare, konstnärer och pedagoger i projekt och i andra sammankomster..

Danscentrum Sverige

Hornsgatan 103, 8tr, 117 28 Stockholm. E-post: info[at]


Amy Fee, verksamhetsledare

E-post: amy.fee[at]

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